some totally random Rules for Life (2019)

ABC: Always Be Charging
Whenever you have a chance to charge your devices (phone, laptop, etc), always do it. You never know when you will lack access to reliable power.

Always Be Reading Long-form
Read at least 7 hours a week of long-form. Read books. But also read well-written articles longer than 3 pages. Save time to go down reading rabbit holes. Feel free to cut out short-form reading (like clickbait articles) to make time for long-form. The airplane is a fantastic place to read.

Always Go to the Bathroom
Whenever you have a chance to go to the bathroom, take it. Never “hold it in.” Just makes you very uncomfortable and unproductive.

Always Be Listening Long-Form
We are in a podcast revolution — take advantage of it. You also can get many books (but unfortunately only 20% of good books) on audio.

Always Love Email
Email is the best form of communication ever invented. All new communications methods in the last 20 years are inferior to email. Email is the greatest asynchronous communication tool. For synchronous communication: meet in-person, by live video, or talk on the phone. Slack and Facebook Messenger can be productivity killers.

Always be Writing
Try to write something over 500 words a few times per week … even if the only person who reads it is yourself. This will help you collect your thoughts.

Sometimes Change your Mind
At least once a year, challenge yourself to change your mind about a deeply held belief (business, family, political, societal, etc.).

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